Creating a Domain Group

Domain Group Management

Creating a new domain group

  1. Log in and select stacks from the menu,
  1. Select the stack you want to administer,
  1. Select "Domain Groups" from the menu on the left hand side,

  2. Specify the name of your domain group (usually the first six letters of your main site) and change the PHP version if needed. Click on "Create Group" to validate.

Editing a domain group

  1. Log in and select the stack to administer, selecting "Domain Groups" from the menu

  2. Click on "Edit" next to the domain group you wish to edit.

Removing a domain group

  1. Log in and select the stack to administer, selecting "Domain Groups" from the menu

  2. Select "Delete" next to the domain group you wish to remove. This will remove the domain group and all the vhosts inside it